Sarah Staples
North High School
Minneapolis, Minnesota
September 14, 2006
Current Curriculum:
I volunteered at North High School in 2003, and the school does not have many computers. Students need to have more access to computers, so they are better prepared for life outside of high school. Many students had trouble completing their required assignments because they didn't have computers at home. Students at North High School have an excellent and knowledgeable staff who are ready to incorporate more media into their curriculum. However, the teachers are being handicapped by not having as many computers as they need for their students. It is obvious that North High school values media studies, and more access to computers would bolster student learning. I have enclosed a letter on how I could foster student learning through having access to computers.
Dear Principal Skinner,
Being a language arts instructor, it is vital that I utilize my knowledge to foster student learning. Having more acessibility to computers would improve the student literacy levels in our high school. It is imperative that educators recognize that "81% of students in grades 7-12 have e-mail accounts, 75% have have at least one Instant Messanger screen name, and that 97% believe strongly that technology use is important in education" (Richardson, 6). It is imperative that we look at these statistics and incorporate more media into the language arts program at our school.
Computers would aid in student learning in language arts, because students would have better access to primary sources which our library may not have. Students would beable to conduct better research for their required essays. It is vital that students' learn how to search for these sources online, and this skill is necessary for academic success. Students need to have the opportunity of a hands-on experience so they are not passive recipients of knowledge.
I would like my students to have the opportunity to create a blog. Blogging gives students the opportunity to share their ideas with peers, teachers and even parents. This would be especially helpful for those students who reluctant toshare their ideas in class. Blogging would give me the opportunity to post their assignments, reminders and quicker feedback on their work. Having a blog space would allow students the opportunity to participate in conversations that would foster critical thinking skills. Computers would give students the opportunity to share their ideas with people from around the world. Multicultural literature could be enhanced through establishing contact with a schools from around the world.
I recognize that school budgets often don't accomodate us with the latest technology. However, the program that I mentioned is free and would enhance my success with students. I wonder if we could start a fundraiser or seek out donations from the community. I believe that we owe our students the opportunity to work with computers, and that their learning would be enhanced. I look forward to discussing this letter with you in the near future.
Sarah Staples